Wednesday, July 23, 2014



WAHOO!!!  I finally finished my first SIXTH GRADE product!!! :-D  STUDENT DATA NOTEBOOKS!!!  In this product, every single 6th grade math CCSS is broken apart and written in student-friendly language.  Then, there is a spot where the students can track their progress from FIST TO FOUR:

Students use this rubric to assess themselves "FROM FIST TO FOUR WITH COMMON CORE" for every CCSS.  BUT NO WORRIES... I already broke down and rewrote all of the 6th grade math CCSSs in kid-friendly language.  Also, they are broken down so that each space for the students to track their progress is focused on a specific part of the standard.  (For example, instead of "Students will be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals," the standard is broken up into the four specific skills.)

Here is an example of the pages for the 6th Grade Ratios & Proportional Relationships unit data notebook pages:

As you can see, each CCSS unit has the following portions of the data notebook:

  • Common Core Standards pulled apart and written in kid-friendly language
  • EXAMPLES of each standard
  • Space for students to shade in their progress from FIST 2 FOUR
  • Pre- & Post- Assessment data tracking (data, score, level of mastery)
  • UNIT GROWTH algorithm and tracking
Here is a picture of one of my former student's completed data notebook pages (from 5th grade):

You can put these Data Notebook pages in a duo-tang folder like you see above, in a binder, or in a filing cabinet.  I like to make these for my students one unit at a time.  I have them keep all of their assessments, notes, and materials, in this folder for the whole common core unit.  Then, I keep their folder at the end of the unit, and give the folders back after I do their report cards for that trimester.  That way I have EVERYTHING I need to give the students the most accurate and useful grades and comments on their report card.

These Data Notebooks ALSO include HOMEWORK TRACKING and MATH SKILLS (8 Mathematical Practices) TRACKING!!!

These are all beyond helpful when doing report cards and talking with parents.  The best part of all, though, is that students are able to report their own progress and growth at any given time!  

These Data Notebooks CHANGED MY LIFE as an educator!  Get yours today!!!

4TH GRADE           5TH GRADE           6TH GRADE

I hope that these work as well in your classroom as they have in mine!!!  Let me know if you have any questions!!

And for now...

~Keep Calm & Branke Bunch On~

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

TOP 10 TUESDAY: How To Teach Reading So Kids L-O-V-E, LOVE to Read

One of the most frequent questions I get as a teacher is, "HOW DO I GET MY CHILD TO READ?!"  My answer?!  "Let them read what they WANT to read!  Then just let them read!!!  Don't bog them down with questions or writing.  How does that work?!  The more they read, the better they get.  The better they get, the more they like to read."  

As adults, we need to think about what WE do as readers.  Would we LIKE to read if we had to answer questions about everything we read?  Would we LIKE to read if we had a test after every book?  NO!!  When do we like to read?  When we read books or articles we WANT to read; when we can talk about what we read in social situations; when we read on our terms in a comfortable setting.

Well... kids are the same way!  So here are my top 10 ways to get kids to LOVE to read:

By setting up cozy little book nooks around your room, reading becomes a fun and relaxing experience...opposed to a boring or stressful one.  Set up some areas around your room where students can get lost in a book.  Also, comfy seating like bean bags also enhance the reading experience!

Picture books, chapter books, mentor texts--all of the books you read to your students should be relatable and enjoyable.  Read alouds should be the highlight of the day!  If kids don't even enjoy being read to, how could they ever want to read on their own?!  Here are some of my students favorite read alouds.  What are some of yours?!  (POST IN THE COMMENTS!)

Make reading a community affair!  When family members, community members, staff members, and even local celebrities come in to read their favorite books to the students, it makes reading an event... even a celebration!  It brings back the joy of reading that many (but NOT all) students had when they were younger!

This is one of my FAVORITE days of the year... and we have it once a trimester! When each trimester ends, we have a special celebration called CUDDLE-UP-AND-READ DAY!  This is a day devoted entirely to READING!  The students bring in a BIG OL' STACK OF BOOKS along with pillows, stuffed animals, or blankies, and we spend the whole day reading.  For fun!  The students are SO excited for this day each trimester.  They all cuddle up with their favorite books, eat some snacks, and relax.  They see reading as a FUN experience.  They see reading as something to look forward to!  

First of all, if you haven't read The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller, READ IT!  It honestly changed my life as a reading teacher!  Miller is the one who came up with the idea of a 40 book challenge.  The concept is based around the idea of just getting kids to read... anything... and a LOT!  If their goal is 40 books... chances are they will reach that goal.  And if they don't reach that goal, chances are that they will reach...what?!  At least half!  That is still 20 books!!  Think back on your years of teaching... there are years that I am not sure if all my students even read one book!  But with this mindset... students are more apt to read a LOT... 40 books even!!!  



Students should TALK ABOUT BOOKS!  Not because we make them... because they WANT to!  A reading community should be fostered so that students are eager to come to school each day to talk to their peers about the books that they read.  How do you do this?!  Get EXCITED about things like BOOK FAIRS and BOOK ORDERS!  Come to school boasting about the latest book you have read.  ASK STUDENTS WHAT BOOKS THEY WOULD SUGGEST!  THEN READ THOSE BOOKS!  Read what the students are into and start up conversations with them!  Are your students asking to read with a friend?!  SAY YES!  ENCOURAGE PARTNER AND GROUP READING!  Make reading be a SOCIAL ACTIVITY!!!

Show students that YOU love to read!  Whenever you have a Cuddle-Up-and-Read Day or another extended period of reading, READ WITH THEM!  No... not every time... of course we want to read with our students. But show students that we LOVE to read.  Tell them about books you have read.  Get excited about the books they are reading.  Is there a series that is super popular?!  Hunger Games?  Divergent?  Diary of a Wimpy Kid? Matched?  Origami Yoda?  Artemis Fowl?  Harry Potter?  Middle School Series?  Etc.?!  READ THEM!  TALK ABOUT THEM!  Not only will you be making READING seem cool... but you will also be making YOURSELF seem cool!  :-D

Students need to understand that they need to pick books that are JUST RIGHT for them.  It is okay that not everyone is reading the same book.  It is BETTER that students aren't all reading the same book!  Some people like fiction, some nonfiction, some read at higher levels, some lower levels, some students are reading to learn, some are reading for fun... they need to pick books that are just-right for their reading purpose, their interest, and books where they can comprehend and know most of the words.  We use the I-PICK acronym from The Daily Five by The Sisters!  We use their shoe analogy--which is AMAZING--to show that every student reading the same book is as fair as every student getting the same pair of shoes (same size, same style, same brand)!  Click the image below to learn more!!

This is probably the component that has the BIGGEST impact on my students as readers!  I truly value the notion of having the BEST classroom library as possible.  I get all the newest books, all the student favorites, and constantly replenish my books.  We tell the kids, "DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!"  But they do... WE ALL DO!  I had The Sign of the Beaver in my classroom for years and NOBODY wanted to read it.  Then, they came out with a new cover, and I bought it brand new... all the sudden, ALL MY KIDS WERE FIGHTING OVER IT!  Sell your old books!  Buy some new ones! Get the newest, coolest books you can!  Why!?  Because kids want to read those!  And if you have books they WANT TO READ... guess what?!  THEY WILL READ!!!  Want to know what the kids want to read?!  I have my kids put POST-ITS on my desk of books they want in the classroom!  No, I don't buy them all... but when I am looking for some new books for my classroom, I take my student suggestions first.  That way, I know people will want to read them!! :-) 

Studies show that students who READ MORE, read better!  Just give students...especially elementary and middle school students... TIME to read!  Time to read books that they WANT to read!  Feel funny?!  Feel like you are not doing enough "teaching"!?  Release that!  If you can't... pull kids up and read with them!  They LOVE that!  But ALWAYS be sure to set aside time EVERY DAY for student to just READ for the LOVE of READING!!!

What are some ways YOU get your kids to LOVE reading?!  What are some of your students' favorite books?!  Post below in the comments!!!

~Keep Calm & Branke Bunch On~

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Bring History to Life: Native American Murals & Presentations

I remember being nine years old, crying over a social studies test.  After studying for a full week with my mom--making notecards, coming up with songs and mnemonic devices, and intense study sessions--I still could not pass a social studies chapter test.  I also remember saying to my mom, "When I become a teacher (yes... I knew I wanted to be a teacher then...ha) I will find a way to make kids like me like social studies!"  Well, I have to say, I have worked hard over the years to hold true to my word.  I have worked to create learning experiences and opportunities in which kids like me--hyperactive, creative, social, musical, and awful at memorization--like social studies.  This one project in particular is one of my all time favorites.  I owe the idea 100% to my teaching partner, Heather Briggs.  She told me about this idea, and I could not wait to implement it with our Branke Bunchers.  

The idea was to create and present MURALS as a culminating activity and unit review for our Native American unit.  I divided the class into four groups--each group responsible for creating a mural on a different region of Native Americans studied in class.  Each mural had to portray the geography, tribes, climate, food, housing, traditions, and other important features of this region.  I created region sheets for each group that gave specific focuses for each of those categories of that particular region, so that it would review the specific information they were expected to learn and show mastery of for the unit common assessment.  

The students immediately were PUMPED for this assignment.  I received phone calls from parents saying that their child has never liked social studies in previous years, but came home that day telling them all about the Native American region they were studying and all the supplies they wanted to bring in to create their mural! (BEST COMPLIMENT EVER!) 

As they worked in class, my students got into academic debates over various traditions or customs of the Native Americans in that region.  They would be flipping through stacks of books looking for evidence to support their argument and prove their group mates wrong!  (Is it bad that I actually enjoyed watching my students fight and argue like this?!??)  My students begged to stay in from recess to do extra research and work on their murals.  

But, do you want to know the best part?!  EVERY SINGLE STUDENT was successful with this project.  Why?!  Because it taps into EVERY SINGLE FORM OF INTELLIGENCE!!!

  • VISUAL-SPACIAL:  My visual-spacial students were pros with creating the geography for the murals.  Being able to portray a 3-D image on a 2-D surface is their specialty!  They were able to see and visualize the way their assigned region looked, and then create a mural to show it.  
  • BODILY-KINESTHETIC:  My bodily-kinesthetic students love to make things!  They would enjoy using tools and their hands to turn their ideas into creation. 
  • INTERPERSONAL:  My interpersonal students not only work well in groups, but benefit tremendously from talking through their thinking.  The dialogue that I overheard as I walked through my classroom as we worked on these projects would bring any teacher to tears of joy.  Any misconceptions my students had about the Native Americans were corrected through the process of this project.  
  • INTRAPERSONAL: You may be thinking... how would an intrapersonal student benefit from a group project?!  Well I saw, first-hand, that they did!  While many questions arose within each group while creating these murals, my intrapersonal students would go off in a corner with a book, scan for information, and then come back the hero of their group for figuring out the answer they had all been debating about!  
  • LINGUISTIC:  These students were able to articulate to their group clearly and take on leadership roles in an effective way.  They were also the stars of the oral presentations of these murals.
  • LOGICAL-MATHEMATICAL:  These students were the first to be able to see the relationships between the land and the Native Americans of that region, and therefore bring that to life on the murals.  They could see the big picture of how the regions impacted the Native Americans who lived there--which is the actual learning goal of this unit!
After all was said and done, I was so impressed with how well they did on the murals.  As I looked at each of the four murals, it was evident which region it was meant to depict.  Here are the final results:

After completing these murals, the students presented their murals to the class. This was the prefect review for our final exam.  Bottom line, the students all mastered their final exam.  I have never been more proud.

Hope you try this out and have as much success with it as I did!!!




Thursday, July 17, 2014

Classroom Design & Setup: Part 5 (Community Building Decor)

Building a positive and strong CLASSROOM COMMUNITY & CLIMATE in my classroom is THE #1 MOST IMPORTANT PART of setting up my classroom each year.  Hands down.  No question.  I honestly believe that my students' success each year academically is DIRECTLY CORRELATED to a genuinely positive classroom experience.  Our data tells us this.  Our parents tell us this.  Our students tell us this.  Once kids L-O-V-E, LOVE coming to school each day... the rest is easy peasy lemon squeezy!  

Obviously, building that community requires relationship building, which also involves STUDENTS.  However, there are certain steps we take beforehand to set up our classroom structure and decor to promote a positive classroom climate.  

NOTE:  There are tons of directions this post can go in, but I will do my best to stick with community building with respects to my CLASSROOM SET UP, DESIGN, AND DECOR!  


LYLAS Designs
So, one night while I was looking on Etsy, I came across this sign.  Well--not EXACTLY this sign.  Instead of saying "IN THE BRANKE BUNCH" it said "IN THIS CLASS".  I LOVED all of the values that were so beautifully displayed on it, and instantly wanted it in my classroom.  THEN, I saw that you can CUSTOMIZE it!  So that is how I got one that says IN THE BRANKE BUNCH!  You can also customize the values and other words as well.  She is AMAZING!!!  When it shipped to my school, it was even more beautiful and well-made than I even thought from looking at the picture online.  It is a 12 x 24 piece of painted wood with Vinyl writing.  Very sturdy, nice and big, and a beautiful addition to our classroom.  I love this so much that when I have kids of my own one day, I want to get a version made for my home!!

  • GO ONTO ETSY!  Never been on before?!  WATCH OUT!  Set aside a few dozen hours to explore!  IT'S AMAZING!!!!  You will get hooked!!!  Anyhow, here is LYLAS Design's link to this particular product: IN THIS ROOM SIGN.
  • 3M STRIPS SAVE THE DAY AGAIN!  Again, I used 3M strips to mount it on the wall.  Just be sure to look at the amount of weight they can hold.  Mine has been up for over a year and still going strong!!

I feel that any time we put our kids names on our walls, it strengthens our classroom community and climate.  I think birthdays are so important as well.  I LOVE birthdays, and you know the kids do too.  And there are a LOT of birthdays to remember... look at all those!!  So, this chart has many purposes:  A) Gives students ownership over the classroom by having their name and birthday displayed on the wall; B) It is a great MATH activity at the beginning of the year (talking about mode, range and average birthdays per month, etc.); and C) It helps us to never forget a birthday!!!

  • GO ONTO REALLY GOOD STUFF!  Here is the direct link to this BIRTHDAY GRAPH.
  • Here is Really Good Stuff's ACTIVITY GUIDE for this product to see more about how to use this:


So this is basically the "cool" upper elementary version of STAR OF THE WEEK.  Ha!  It is a chance to spotlight a student each week so we can learn a little bit about them.  Then, all week long, the VIP student is displayed on our VIP of the Week wall for everyone to see!!  

How do we pick the student each week, you ask?!?  We actually have a school wide PBIS system that we use for this; however, you could easily do this in your own classroom all the same.  We have something called "Viking Tickets" that we give out when we notice students are doing things "The Warner Way"--meaning, with respect, safety, or responsibility.  (I won't go too far into this for this post.  I'll talk about it when I do a PBIS post!)  Anyhow, the students turn in their tickets each week, and we randomly pick one to be the VIP of the Week!

  • Get out that Cricut again!!!  So, starting from the top down... I made this heading with the Cricut, of course!  It cuts out circles and the letters as well.  I rubber cemented the V, I, and P each onto a separate circle, and then I rubber cemented "OF THE WEEK" onto a yellow sentence strip.  
  • Adhesive magnets!  I smacked on some adhesive magnets to the back of each of the circles and the sentence strip so it would adhere to my white board.  (To the right of my LEARNING GOAL portion of the board.)    

  •  SPOTLIGHT ON ME POCKET CHART:  I got this kit from Really Good Stuff; however, I believe it was discontinued.  However, these were the different portions of the kit that the students filled out.  So, under the VIP OF THE WEEK heading, you can just have them complete some "ALL ABOUT ME TASKS" like these!
  • SENTENCE COMPLETIONS:  This is a fun way to learn some interesting facts about your students.  I always am the FIRST VIP OF THE WEEK each year, so that I can model to the students what to do when it is their week.  This is the sentence completion sheet that I filled out:

  •  PICTURE COLLAGE:  The second part shared by the VIP of the Week is a picture (or collage) OR drawing that represents who you are, something you value, or things/people you love.  Below is my sample.  I tell them that I brought these pictures in because they are pictures with my husband and with my siblings, and my family is so important to me and they have helped shape me into the person I am today.  My students LOVE seeing pictures of me outside of school (Wait?!  Teachers don't live at school!? HA!) and of when I was a kid.  It helps them see me as a real person who is relatable and REAL... AGAIN building community!!! 
  • LIFELONG TIMELINE:  The final portion shared by the VIP of the Week is a timeline of the VIP's life.  The example below is mine.  Therefore, it is much fuller than the students will probably have, since I have lived for almost 3x their life!!  (OYY!)  For this, I just give the students a sentence strip for them to create their timeline on.  During the first week, when I model this, we do have to talk about what a timeline is and what types of things one might include in a timeline of their life.

  • VIP TREATMENT:  The last portion of the VIP of the Week classroom setup is getting some special VIP SEATING!! :-)  We have two VIP chairs in our room (one for each of our VIPs).  The VIPs can sit in this chair any time during the week when there is free seating.  For some reason, I had a very difficult time finding pictures of my kids in the VIP chairs.  Hmmm... BUT I did find one.  PLEASE NOTE:  This was taken on CUDDLE-UP-AND-READ DAY!  That is the reason for the blanked and stuffed animal!  Blankets and stuffed animals are NOT, I repeat NOT, part of the VIP treatment!!!  IT IS JUST THE CHAIR!! :-)  I bought this chair at WALMART!!! (You can click on that link to take you to the product.)  The normal price of this chair at Walmart is about $25... BUT they do last a very long time!  (MUCH more life expectancy than the bean bags!)  


So, the students create both of these the first week of school, and we hang them before Curriculum Night.  I'll first talk about the JERSEYS.  I LOVE the concept behind the students creating jerseys.  We explain to the kids that we are making jerseys because we are a TEAM.  The BRANKE BUNCH on the sleeves symbolize unity and teamwork.  However, EACH TEAMMATE in the Branke Bunch is VERY different and unique.  We all have different strengths, like different things, look different, and have different personalities.  Each student is asked to DECORATE THEIR BRANKE BUNCH JERSEY TO REPRESENT THEIR UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS.  I LOVE how different they all look up there, yet so cohesive as a team.  It's beautiful!  Here is one example of a jersey.  This particular student had a PASSION and FASCINATION with zebras... hence the zebra print.  (She brought in her own zebra print duct tape to make her jersey in class.)  She also loves holiday time with her family, which is why she chose the colors green and red for the rest of the jersey.  

  • CLICK ON THE IMAGE OF THE JERSEY TEMPLATE BELOW:  Once you click on it, it will take you to Google Drive.  All you have to do is click "FILE" then "DOWNLOAD" and you will have an editable form of this jersey in Word.  

  • EDIT YOUR CLASS/TEAM NAME:  Unless you are also BRANKE BUNCH by chance, you will edit your school/class/team name.  You can always delete it all together if you wish!
  • ENLARGE & COPY:  We like to enlarge and copy this jersey on 11 x 17 CARD STOCK.  8.5 x 11 is pretty small... especially if you hang it from the ceiling like we did.  Also, since the kids will be using markers, gluing on objects, etc. you will for sure want card stock!  These stay up in our room all year long, so card stock helps keep them looking good all year long!
  • EXPLAIN ASSIGNMENT:  You will explain the assignment to the students using the explanation from the beginning of this section.  (Jersey = team; decorate based on unique characteristics; etc.)  We inform the students that they will not cut the jersey out until they are finished decorating.  However, they should NOT decorate outside of the jersey, since they will be cutting it out and throwing away the outer part.  Then, the students follow these steps:
    • STEP 1:  Students LIGHTLY use PENCIL to write their name in the semicircle.  They can choose to write their FIRST or LAST name.  (Last name is what is typically on jerseys, but some feel more comfortable with their first.)  They should write in ALL CAPS and try to evenly space all the letters so that they fit perfectly in the semicircle.  They may need to erase several times before they get this!!!  
    • STEP 2:  Write their CLASS NUMBER (or favorite number if the students don't have class numbers) IN PENCIL in the oval under the semicircle. (Again, writing neatly and filling the space!)
    • STEP 3:  Go over their name and number in MARKER.  (Remind them that every color choice and artistic work they do on this jersey should be thought through and symbolize something about who they are.)
    • STEP 4:  Brainstorm and sketch out their design.  
    • STEP 5:  Decide which, if any, materials they need from home to decorate their jersey.  Some students bring in photographs or magazine cutouts to represent something about their lives; some bring in decorative embellishments; some bring in stickers; some just stick with the markers in the room!  Whatever they bring though, it must be 2-D, their parents must know they are bringing it to school and it will not be returned, and all objects must be brought in the next day of school.
    • STEP 6:  (THE NEXT DAY!)  Students decorate their jerseys!
    • STEP 7:  Students CAREFULLY cut out their jerseys & dispose of the scraps.  
    • STEP 8:  Students must share their jersey with a classmate of their choice.
    • STEP 9:  Student must share their jersey with the teacher and get it approved.
    • STEP 10:  If approved, it is turned in to the designated spot.  If not approved, they go back and complete their jersey until it is approved and turned in.  
  • DISPLAY THE JERSEYS:  Finally, once all the jerseys are turned in, hang them up for display!!!  
So, now for the GOAL PENNANTS!  I LOVE these!  It is a beautiful way to post students goals for the year, while brightening up your room with student work all at the same time!!!

FRONT (Photo, Name, Decorate):

BACK (Goals):

  • Get back on REALLY GOOD STUFF:  For under $9, you get a full class set (32) of these pennants, plus the hanging string!  CLICK HERE TO SEE THIS PRODUCT
  • SETTING GOALS LESSON:  You will want to start off by going over how to set goals, and thinking about the steps needed to reach those goals.  We have students write their goal and 3 steps on an index card as a rough draft.  Once they get their goal approved by an adult, then they can get a pennant.
    • First, neatly in pencil write your name in ALL CAPS in the ribbon (under the circle) on the front of the pennant to fill the ribbon space.  
    • Next, copy over your goals and 3 steps from your rough draft (index card) on the lines on the back of the pennant neatly IN PENCIL!!!  
    • Then, use a bold pen or skinny marker pen (Paper Mate Flairs are my personal fav!) to neatly trace over your writing.
    • Also, go over your name on the front in a bold color as well.
    • Use MARKERS (NOT crayons or colored pencils) to color and decorate the front side of your pennant using beautiful, bold colors.  (DO YOUR BEST WORK!  THIS WILL BE UP FOR YOUR PARENTS TO SEE AT CURRICULUM NIGHT AND THEY WILL STAY UP ALL YEAR LONG!)  This should be their very best work so that it is something they are proud to look at each day.
      • NOTE:  Inform them NOT to color inside the circle, because their photograph will be placed there and cover up anything drawn inside of it.
    • Once they feel they are done, they must get it approved by an adult.  Writing should be neat and bold, coloring should be in MARKER (otherwise they will look dull to people looking up at it from the ceiling), and it should be their very best work.  If it is approved, they turn in their pennant.
    • First, take a headshot of each student.
    • Then, go to this link:  AVERY 22830 TEMPLATE DESIGN ONLINE
    • Choose the BLANK & TEXT ONLY option.
    • On the RIGHT, pick the "EDIT ONE" option.
    • On the LEFT, click on "IMAGE" and insert one headshot.
    • Size the image so that the whole face fits in the circle, but there is no empty space in the circle.  
    • Then, click on the next circle on the sheet (back on the right side), and repeat with another headshot.
    • Repeat this process until each of your students cute little faces are in their own circle.  
    • Then, print the labels on AVERY 22830 LABELS.  
    • Attach a paper clip on the end of the string.
    • Thread the pennants through, so that they are all on the string and facing the same way.
    • Hook the paper clip end into the ceiling.  ***Make sure someone is holding the other end!  You don't want all your pennants to fall off that you just threaded through!***
    • Walk the other end to the other side of the room.  If the pennants hang too low, find the middle and hook the middle to the ceiling using a paper clip.
    • Then, attach another paper clip to the end and attach it into the ceiling.  
    • Make sure all the pennants are spaced evenly.


The final way I create a warm, caring classroom climate through my classroom setup and decor is by creating a Code of Cooperations as a class.  At morning meeting on one of the first couple days of school, we write "CODE OF COOPERATION" on the board, and then ask if anyone knows what any of those words mean, and if they can infer what a "Code of Cooperation" would be based on the meanings of those words.  Then, I pose the students with the following question: What do YOU need from us and each other in order to be successful this year?  We brainstorm a list on the SMART Board as a class.  Then, we see if we can combine any, or if any could be taken off to revise our list.  We turn our list into a poster and have the students all SIGN THE CODE, and we post it in our room for everyone to see.  The first couple weeks, we recite this code as a class after the pledge each morning.  Then, we slow it down by reciting it only on Mondays.  After the first couple months of school, we really only recite it if we feel the students need to be reminded of it.  We refer to this code OFTEN!  We remind them that these are the requests THEY MADE FOR ONE ANOTHER!  These are things that YOU (THE STUDENTS) SAID YOU NEED IN ORDER TO SUCCEED!  It is a great way to give them ownership over their actions.

  • TYPE UP THE FINAL LIST:  Find some cute clipart like the one in my example above, and insert the headings and the expectations the students developed during the brainstorming session.  (Leave space at the bottom for every student to sign!)
  • EXPORT TO IMAGE:  After you finish creating your Code of Cooperation, save your document as an image.  
  • TURN YOUR IMAGE INTO A CUSTOM POSTER:  If you have a poster maker at your school, then use it! (LUCKY YOU!!!)  If, like me, you don't have one at your school, you can click on: STAPLES PRINTING CENTER.  
  • UPLOAD YOUR IMAGE:  Pick your size, upload your image, and go through the steps.  They will ship it right to your school as a poster.  
  • SIGNATURES:  Have each student read through this code (or "contract"), and sign their name under the expectations in a Sharpie.  (Let them know that in order to fit everyones name, they must ONLY sign their name!  NO DOODLES OR COMMENTS... It's very tempting for them!)
  • LAMINATE:  Laminate your poster once everyone has signed.
  • DISPLAY YOUR CODE:  Find an accessible spot to display your code!  We kept ours on our easel.  That way, we could grab it and hold it up during Morning Meeting when we recite it.  
Well, that's all I have for you for now!  I hope this helps you in creating a positive classroom climate in your room!

~Keep Calm & Branke Bunch On~

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Classroom Design & Setup: Part 4 (Learning Goals)

Not sure if your district is like mine, but where I teach, we are all about Marzano's Teacher Evaluation Model!!  Our main focus was DQ1, which begins with POSTING CLEAR LEARNING TARGETS AND GOALS!  So, that's what we did! We actually designated an entire wall to it!!  I do have to admit, however, I LOVE this wall!  It's consistent.  It's clear.  It's HARD CORE COMMON CORE!!!  So here is a quick glance at my LEARNING GOAL WALL:

  • Find a Wall or Board!  This is probably the most challenging part of creating this wall... finding space!  Fortunately, when I got my SMART Board, I noticed I never used this white board anyhow.  It was scary to get rid of... but it's worth it!! 
  • Segment Your Board!  The next step is to divide your board up for each subject area.  Black MAGNET tape worked perfectly on our white board!  It stayed up all year long and could withstand the wear and tear of markers and erasing all year.  (Our tape is actually still on the board now waiting for us to redo this board in the fall!)
  • Label Your Sections by Subject!  I have to say, I am the luckiest girl in the world... My MOM did all of these labels for me!!!!  (She is a pro scrapbooker, and I love when she uses my classroom as her scrapbook project!!!)  She used a CRICUT to cut out all of the letters, and then mounted them on construction paper, and matted them with black paper.
    • ***If you are unsure of what a Cricut is... I'm about to ROCK YOUR WORLD!  Remember those Die Cutter Machines?  You know... the ones that made you actually want to DIE!?  You cut construction paper out into squares, found a wooden spongy shape from the tower of shapes, then did a rocking arm workout for EACH AND EVERY SHAPE you had to cut out?!  Well, a Die Cutter is to a Typewriter as a Cricut is to a Computer!  It is a digital Die Cutter Machine!!  You just type in the words you want cut out, feed the paper in, and the machine cuts it out for you!!!  It's AMAZING!!  I linked the Cricut website here if you want to learn more about it!!!

So, here are the labels my AMAZING mother created for me with the use of her Cricut, a paper cutter, and some Rubber Cement!  
  • Then, I used adhesive magnets and put them right on the white board!  
  • Finally, I just used dry erase markers to write in the learning goals and standards each day!!! :-)  
If possible, keep a ring of all your standards in this area!!!  It is helpful to reference to as you post the learning goals each day!  I bought this one from Really Good Stuff.
OR, you can use the Common Core App!  I referenced that one daily!!!  

Hope this post helps you all become a little more HARD CORE COMMON CORE!!!

~Keep Calm & Branke Bunch On~